My Heart Feels You

My name is Ira Bowman, the founder of #ProjectHelpYouGrow. I help connect those looking for jobs, to those who have job openings and I love helping! Even though I work very hard at it, I don’t charge for any of the services I provide job seekers. There are millions of people looking for work across the globe. Ironically there are also hundreds of thousands of employers out there, with millions of job openings. Obviously with people looking for work and people who have job openings they need filled, finding a job is simple right? WRONG! Connecting the two parties has proven to be so much harder than it should be.

My inbox gets flooded everyday with job seekers begging me for help. From the desperate father, to the about to be homeless person, I hear it all. Sick kids, war torn homes, poverty and so much more; it is heart breaking. I am doing everything I can to help and I will not stop. My heart is with you job seeker. I am not here to get famous, I’m here to help you find your new position. You are depressed. Feeling discouraged and tired of trying because you think it is hopeless. Now is not the time to quit however, instead I want you to double down and give me everything you have.

Ready to Lace Them Up?

We didn’t start the journey together and you might be worn out. I understand. I too have been enslaved to poverty and depressed beyond belief. As a father of eight children, I know the pressure to provide a roof, food and clothing to those we love. You might need to recommit to the process, regardless of what you’ve already done and the time you’ve already spent. Don’t lose because you quit and don’t fail because you’re not fully committed. I can’t help those who won’t work as hard on their job search as I will. Your future employer won’t hire unless you sell yourself better than anyone else they have competing for their opening.

To be successful, I need you, the jobseekers, to help me so I can in turn help you compete to win. What can you do to help propel your job search? How smart you are working? Please consider the list below as I see these issues on a daily if not hourly basis. Anytime you can eliminate roadblocks and traps you can help elevate your game. The goal is not to apply to a million jobs, rather it’s to find the one in a million job and earn it.

Who Wrote Your CV / Resume?

Is your CV / Resume out dated? Does it contain grammatical errors, or is not visually appealing? How much is a good CV worth? The answer to each of these questions affects your job search. Most don’t consider the importance of an eye catching resume. Let me assure you in the world today, you are not likely to get an interview at any major job opening without one.

First step to a successful job search is to get your CV/Resume high and tight. Want help? You can start by reading the blog posted on my site by Galyna Daniel. Consider hiring her or another coach, to help you write this vital document needed to get you an interview. Can you do it on your own? You did and it hasn’t been working. If need a job now, a professionally written tool might be the spark you’re missing to win.

Not Focusing Enough on Your Real Talents

Have you ever heard the expression, “jack of all trades, master of none”? The job search is like this too. Why sell yourself as a jack of all trades if someone is looking for a Subject Matter Expert? You might be unwittingly doing this by having a profile that lists too many industries of interest or variety of experience. Seemingly it is in vogue to fashion ourselves as renaissance people. People who are extremely talented at everything we do.

Employers are not looking for a jack of all trades. They want someone who will do their job well and not ruin their culture. They don’t want to have to train you extensively. Think like an employer. Who would you want to hire? Employers want a person who will come in, and get up to speed with minimum on boarding effort. You’re not being considered for all the things you might do at a company one day, they are trying to fill one specific opening. How well your CV/Resume/Profile tells them you’ll fill that spot will determine if you are getting an interview.

So the call to action is to go erase everything and start over. Build your LinkedIn Profile, your Resume anything that represents you in a way that shows you are the best candidate for a specific job. The job you want. The one you are qualified to fill. Sell yourself like a product, the very best product available to fill that need. Think like the HR/Recruiter who you are trying to convince to hire you. Show them why you are the logical choice. I know this requires work. If you’re not employed and want to be, than you need to do what it takes to win.

Location is Not A Minor Thing

When you shop for something you need, do you consider where it comes from? If you’re buying a staple, something more common, you would be foolish to travel hundreds of miles or thousands of kilometers to find something that might be mildly less expensive or a bit more sensational. Why? Because the ROI (Return on Investment) is not something you can justify. Employers are like the shoppers who are not going to travel around the world to find you on the shelf of a foreign marketplace. If you want to be purchased by a foreign shopper, you’re going to have to relocate to the local market place, you want to be bought in.

Why? Simple economics. The return on investment (ROI) for an employer is not there. It cost to fly you in for interviews! How much extra will they have to pay to do a foreign back ground check? Sponsorship isn’t free and helping with moving expenses adds up too. Why should they spend all of that money and effort on a staple, when there are so many qualified candidates in their local market? When you start to think like an employer, you’ll see why they are not willing to pay for those extra expenses.

If you are set on moving, then find a way to relocate yourself. Save up and make the move. File your application for your visa. Getting what you want requires effort. Get the ball rolling. Show employers that you are serious about moving. If you make the right impression while doing the work yourself, a generous employer might just step in and help. Once you are living in the area you want to work, if you’ve followed the steps above, getting the job locally will be much easier.

Help Me Help You Win!

I am here to help, not be popular. Do you want to win a job? Winning requires strategic effort and sometimes a lot of it. I work hard to help job seekers get placed. The former job seekers that I’ve helped place so far, were willing to work with me, to help themselves.  If you want to win, then work with me, to make the changes you need to make. You have a weakness to your approach, that is why you are still on the market. Find the weakness, improve it and your odds of landing will increase.

Want a job? Make sure your attitude is in check. Win people with your smile. Make sure your profile photo is professional yet friendly. Look critically at your CV/Resume/Profile and make sure they are written as the master of your trade. You don’t need to be a Swiss blade army knife, you need to be a precision tool built to do one thing extremely well. Figure out where you want to work and live. Then relocate yourself to that local market. Show me you’re doing these things and I will help you with a bright spotlight. Ironically if you do these things, my spotlight will no longer be needed. You’ll win on your own. No one is rooting for your success more than I am. Need some help? I am here for you.