
This site is designed to help people who are looking for work anywhere in the world with job search assistance at no cost. This free site will allow you to build a compelling profile to show off your skills, share your CV, share your social media links, describe your skills, tell recruiters, staffing professionals and business owners where if you are open to work, where you want to work and let them contact you directly.

Employers, we have also allowed you to post your open postions for free. We will encourage our members to visit our site daily, to check the job boards for new listings. You can comb through our member profiles, utilizing our dynamic search features to filter down to the candidates that meet your criteria. There is no charge for any of these services.

This site is a powerful tool for both the job seeker and those who have openings to fill. Please register for your free account and then update your profile ASAP. To be discovered, you must poplulate your profile. Please go to the FAQ page to get helpful hints and answers to the most common questions many have asked. Also I have an introduction video to welcome you and thank you for your visit. I am here to help. This website is a labor of love. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate reach out to me. I have a profile with all my contact information in it, as well as the info on the Contact page.

I know finding a job can be tough and the pressure of being unemployed can cause great stress that is hard to handle. Remember your job doesn’t determine your self worth. You are more than just a number on a paycheck. I will do everything I can to help you because life is too short to be selfish. That is why my website is free to use. I want to make sure you get the job you deserve as fast as possible. I have attempted to make it as easy as I can for recruiters and staffing professionals to find you, hire you and get you back to making a good living. I wish you nothing but the best!


#projecthelpyougrow by Ira Bowman SPN was designed to help people grow their connections by connecting safely to other business professionals who also want to have a bigger network. The project is also designed to help teach people how to engage and get better engagement on the platform.

I call it algorithm busters but in reality it has to do with being smart about the way you compose a post, making sure you don’t ignore your network. A like and a comment on someone’s post is like telling them you’ve got their back and it is perhaps just the encouragement they need not to give up.

I am so happy to have created a connection incubator where people are fulfilling their dream of growing and in the process becoming real friends who are a blessing to me and to others in the project.

If you’re looking to add new connections and get better engagement within your professional social networking app, join us. Send me a connection request and let me know you want to join. I’ll add you to our group and prominently display your info on our FYI public portal, so everyone on LinkedIn will know it’s safe to add you as a connection too. That is win win networking!

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