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I work with construction equipment, their owners, dealers and OEMs. My background in engineering, manufacturing and engaging operators gives me the ability to find out what's really going on, then communicate back to OEMs in language they readily understand. In summary, I translate "real world" into "corporate speak" to capture the true voice of the customer.

Using lean principles of Gemba, Gembutsu, Genjitsu, Genri and Gensoku, I travel to customer/dealer location to discover the actual situation at the actual worksite with the actual equipment. Then by comparing observed data to expected behavior, I help identify the root cause of issues. Sometimes the correction is additional operator training, but the outcome always requires some action by the dealer or OEM, which may be awareness/issue tracking, improve instruction literature, designing new attachments, up to changing machine design immediately to countermeasure serious issues.

when dealers have difficulty conveying concepts to OEMs,
when OEMs want to know what's going on but cannot go themselves,
when customers have ideas but don't know how to tell OEMs,
...I can help.
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