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My goal ? Combining a highly-motivated and outgoing personality with the pursuit of building up a solid Project Management career, all merged by skillfully using emotional intelligence in achieving business objectives. Based on my current project management activities, related-education and future opportunities in this regard, I am looking forward to contouring myself for a Project Coordination position or other roles that might stem from this discipline. My professional experience acquired so far, can be summed up to over 6 years exposure to multinational environment and top management collaboration, in fields including finance,sales, marketing, projects, business development and administration. A part of my missions was to contribute to organizations' goals by working closely with the core teams and also autonomously, by providing support raging from administration to operations and strategy. My general competencies are represented by marketing/sales research and analysis, competition identification&analysis, project management, project planning, translation, multi-level communication , administrative coordination.

*Available for relocation in US or Werstern European countries, especially Belgium or other Benelux Countries.
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